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Career Advancement Opportunities
No other information has a greater impact on an employee's career than information about his or her performance. Continuous performance feedback helps employees avoid career derailment, which can occur when an individual's work behaviors interfere with his or her career opportunities.

Though most employees desire candid feedback for their development, many managers find it difficult to provide specific and critical feedback for fear of having to address performance problems. Additionally, as work environments and reporting structures change, organizations recognize the need for a foundation of developmental support that goes beyond one's immediate manager.

Many progressive companies including Motorola, American Airlines, and Intel have instituted multi-source assessment programs with the intent of bolstering career development initiatives. Multi-source assessment yields specific and quantitative information for employees to use in making intelligent career decisions. Recommendations resulting from multi-source assessment can be designed to match employees' desired career paths and set out the competencies for that path, relative to employees' existing skills. Gaps between where employees are now and where they need to be can then be used to identify specific developmental opportunities.

Those seeking intensive, highly personalized feedback about one's skills and abilities should consider an assessment center or a full individual assessment.

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